Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Discussion - 1

Discussion  - 1

Q In the HR field, there is often discussion of HR not having a seat at the C-Suite (executive leadership) table. Do you think the role of HR professionals should be strategic -- is it important or can HR professionals fulfill their role by operating in a more transactional manner (e.g., administrating, hiring, and dealing with employees)? Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with an APA cited reference(s).

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It is very crucial that the role that the HR plays in any organization is a strategic one and thus it should also gain a seat in the C-suite. In today’s corporate world, the companies swear by strategies because without those, they are not going to last long in the game. Strategic management is the company policy that takes into account the approach that addresses the competitive challenges that some organization faces and it also lays stress on the formulation of strategy. It is very important to make the employees understand about the strategic direction in order to make them fully grasp about the mission, vision, goals, external opportunities and threats, internal opportunities and weaknesses and the long term ambitions.